Muz'immo SA

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Apartment 3.5 rooms

CHF 615'000.-

1965 Granois (Savièse)
3.5 rooms

New promotion Les Loggias in Granois/Savièse

Exclusive sale at MUZ'Immo SA of the "Les Loggias" promotion in Granois / Savièse. This building will consist of 6 4.5 room apartments (including 2 attics) and 3 3.5 room apartments (including 1 attic). Luxury apartments and high quality materials.

The location of this promotion is optimal because it is located close to all amenities (restaurant, grocery store, village center, etc.) and on the right bank of the Rhône, which gives it maximum sunshine.

Further information

3 levels
Available on request
Reference Les Loggias


This property is proposed by

Muz'immo SA
Route de la Courtaz 63
1991 Salins

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Contact Frédéric Musaro

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