Hypoimmo SA

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Apartment 3.5 rooms

CHF 199'000.-

2400 Le Locle
67 m² • 3.5 rooms

Bright renovated 3.5 room apartment

This rental apartment is one of 20 units, spread over two buildings, in this residential building built in 1956 in the quiet Le Corbusier district.

It is divided into 3.5 rooms for approximately 67 m2. Located on the 4th floor, its unobstructed view is undeniably an asset.

Included in the sale price, buyers will benefit from a cellar, an attic and a vegetable garden.

An apartment to live in and enjoy!

Further information

Floor 4
6218 m³
1532 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1956
Available on request
Reference Henri-Perret 7.1530019.6b22e82a-cc40-11ef-a039-069ae14c7a06


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    This property is proposed by

    Hypoimmo SA
    Rue du Pont 6
    2400 Le Locle

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