Immo-Event SA

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CHF 1'290'000.-

1252 Meinier
195 m²

Exclusive: 8-room apartment to renovate in a historic building


For lovers of historic buildings!

This property is located in the very charming hamlet of Corsinge and more precisely in the fortified house "Adda" built in 1678 on the ruins of a castle of the Seigneurie de Corsinge. This fortified house has been classified as part of Geneva's heritage and recognized as an exceptional building.

This apartment benefits from a PPE surface area of 195 m2 spread over 3 levels.

It requires major renovation work and has an old independent oil heating system.

In co-ownership, it also benefits from 134 m2 PPE for the historic staircase and the passage.

Two cellars for a total surface area of 70 m2 PPE complete this property.

Further information

Available on request
Reference C19 - Triplex M


This property is proposed by

Immo-Event SA
1244 Choulex

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