Régie du Centre

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1227 Les Acacias

Geneva - Acacias - Arcaded residential and commercial building

Built in the early 1970s, the building for sale is a "head" building, with three exposures, it is 7 stories high on the ground floor, all on a full basement. Each floor is served by an elevator.
The ground floor is occupied by two commercial arcades, the 7 floors by housing.
In addition to the tenants' cellars, the basement offers a shared laundry room, a boiler room and a cistern room.
Heating and hot water production are provided by an oil-fired boiler.

Rental status as of February 28, 2025: CHF 432,288.00!


A building permit for energy renovation work and technical system overhaul, including the installation of a heat pump boiler, is in effect (valid until January 30, 2026). The rights to this permit are included in the sale.

Further information

Built in 1970
Available from now on
Reference 148669.148669.148669


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    This property is proposed by

    Régie du Centre
    Rue de la Madeleine 8
    1204 Genève

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