Genimmo SA

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Apartment 2.5 rooms

CHF 850'000.-

1248 Hermance
86 m² • 1 bedroom • 1 bathroom • 2.5 rooms

2.5 Rooms with terrace

Located in the heart of the picturesque medieval village of Hermance and a stone's throw from the lake, this apartment on the ground floor of a superb house dating from the beginning of the 18th century steeped in history has been completely renovated. in 2017.

Further information

Ground floor
6 m² (surface areas)
Renovated in 2017
Available on request
Reference 11289 - ALN


This property is proposed by

Genimmo SA
Rue de la Terrassière 28
1207 Geneva

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Contact Anne-Laure Novatin

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