Genimmo SA

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Apartment 6 rooms

CHF 1'850'000.-

1233 Bernex
159 m² • 3 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • 6 rooms

6-room apartment in a quiet area

Beautiful 159 m2 apartment renovated over the years, located in the charming village of Bernex, close to all amenities and the Tram.
This dual aspect apartment is ideal for a family. It is located on the 1st floor without elevator in a very quiet environment.

It is composed as follows:

Living room with balcony

- Entrance hall with plenty of storage space
- Visitors' Toilet
- Fitted kitchen in solid oak open to the dining room
- Large living room

Night side with balcony

- A large bathroom with bathtub and shower
- 3 large bedrooms

To conclude

- A Cellar
- A parking space
- A closed box

For any further information or if you would like to organise a visit, please do not hesitate to contact our broker Valérie Cordeloisou by email.

Further information

1st floor
3 levels
23 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1970
Renovated in 1995
Available on request
Reference 11313 - COV - 1




This property is proposed by

Genimmo SA
Rue de la Terrassière 28
1207 Geneva

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Contact Valérie Cordelois

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