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Buy in the city of Vétroz

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Buy a apartment or a office or a house in the city of Vétroz

Vétroz is located in Valais canton. proposes you 80 apartments or offices or houses to buy in Vétroz. All properties to buy are proposed by agencies of this area.

Vétroz enjoys an exceptional geographical situation. It is located in the heart of the canton of Valais, in the vast plain of the Rhone. It is also close to the capital as well as the commercial district of Conthey district. Its vineyard occupies more than 1/5 of the territory which extends over 1045 ha. The latter enjoys considerable sunshine and one of its wines has an international reputation, the Amigne. Its economy is mainly agricultural. However, a number of small businesses in the fields of construction or services, as well as craft and industrial areas, have begun to emerge since the beginning of the 20th century. Among its historical monuments, we can cite the parish church of Saint Mary Magdalene in neo-Romanesque style, built in 1922. A roundabout at the entrance of the village hosts a work by the artist Marie Antoinette Gorret. It also has a football stadium called the stadium of the Plantys, as well as a shooting range. If you can not find accommodation in this cozy little town, real offers you its services to find the ideal apartment.
The condition of the real estate market in the city of Vétroz :