
CHF 240'000.-

1297 Founex
34 m²

Depot-Office of 34 m2 in the town of Founex

Located in the town of Founex, this arcade benefits from 34m2 including a deposit/office and a bathroom on the ground floor.
The neighborhood offers an array of amenities including restaurants, post office, schools and public transportation (with bus lines such as line 811, line 891, etc.), parks and other convenient services such as that the CFF P Rail Founex

This arcade benefits from quality services such as beautiful tiling, an equipped kitchen and a shower room.

It is composed as follows:

- A desk
- A fully-equipped kitchen
- A shower room

A cellar completes this property.

The arcade is currently rented under the following conditions:

Lease concluded for an initial period of 5 years, i.e. until January 2029, renewable for 5 years, termination period 12 months.
Rent: CHF 809.-/month flat rate of CHF 90.-/month.

Annual net rent: CHF 9,708.--
Gross yield: 4%


Located in the commune of Founex, this arcade benefits from 34m2 including a depot/office and shower room on the ground floor.
The area offers a range of amenities, including restaurants, the post office, schools and public transport (with bus routes such as line 811, line 891, etc.), parks and other convenient services such as the CFF P Rail Founex.

This arcade boasts quality features such as attractive tiled floors, a fitted kitchen and a shower room.

It included

- An office
- A fitted kitchen
- A shower room

A cellar completes this property.

The arcade is currently let on the following terms:

Lease concluded for an initial term of 5 years, ie until January 2029, renewable for 5 years, notice period 12 months.
Rent: CHF 809/month fixed charges of CHF 90/month.

Net annual rent: CHF 9,708.
Gross yield: 4%.

Translated with (free version)


Located in the commune of Founex, this gallery has 34 m2, located in an office and a bathroom with doccia on the ground floor.
The area offers a series of services, including restaurants, postal services, schools and public transport (with bus lines such as line 811, line 891, etc.), and other convenient services such as CFF P Rail Founex.

This apartment boasts quality characteristics, like floor tiles, an attractive kitchen and a bathroom with training.

If composed di

- One office
- Una cucina attrezzata
- A bagno con doccia

A cantina completes the property.

This port is currently affixed to its following conditions:

Rental contract stipulated for an initial duration of 5 years, due until 2029, renewed for 5 years, with 12 month notice.
Affitto: CHF 809/mese, depending on the price, CHF 90/message.

Net annual fee: CHF 9,708.
Lord's payment: 4%.


Raspolozhennaja v kommune Founex, jeta arkada imeet ploshhad' 34 m2, vkljuchaja ofis i dushevuju komnatu na pervom jetazhe.
Rajon predlagaet shirokij spektr udobstv, vkljuchaja restorany, pochtovoe otdelenie, shkoly i obshhestvennyj transport (avtobusnye marshruty, takie kak linija 811, linija 891 i td), parki i drugie udobnye uslugi, takie kak CFF P Rail Founeh.

Jeta arkada mozhet pohvastat'sja takimi kachestvennymi harakteristikami, kak privlekatel'nyj kafel'nyj pol, vstroennaja kuhnja i dushevaja komnata.

We vkljuchaet v sebja

- Ofis
- Vstroennaja kuhnja
- Dushevaja komnata

Podval dopolnjaet jetu sobstvennost'.

V nastojashhee vremja arkada sdaetsja v arendu na sledujushhih uslovijah:

Arenda zakljuchena na pervonachal'nyj srok 5 let, te do janvarja 2029 goda, s vozmozhnost'ju prodlenija na 5 let, srok uvedomlenija 12 mesjacev.
Arendnaja plata: ChF 809/mesjac fiksirovanny

Further information

34 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference 1358387

This property is proposed by

Zimmermann Immobilier SA
Chemin Renou 2
1005 Lausanne