URBANIA Agence immobilière SA

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Apartment 4 rooms

CHF 2'000'000.-

1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
120 m² • 2 bedrooms • 4 rooms

Beautiful apartment close to international organizations

Beautiful apartment located in a luxury residence, close to international organizations, as well as all the city's amenities. With a floor area of 120 m2, the rooms are distributed as follows:

Entrance hall
Visitors' WC
Fitted kitchen 
Living room with balcony access
Shower room
Master bedroom with en-suite shower room

Two storage units and a basement cellar complete this property

Further information

Available from now on
Reference 2819.v2.c




148m - 3 min
Primary schools
161m - 4 min


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    This property is proposed by

    URBANIA Agence immobilière SA
    Chemin des Tulipiers 21
    1208 Genève

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