Swiss Patrimoine Immobilier SA

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Building land

2075 Wavre

Building plot of 3074m2 located 15 minutes from Neuchatel and 35 minutes from Bern

Building plot of 3074m2 located 15 minutes from Neuchatel and 35 minutes from Bern.

Low-density residential area.
Density: max. 2.0 m3/m2.
Land use rate: 25% max, based on 2674m2.
Dimensions of buildings Maximum height at the cornice: 7.50 m. Maximum length: 25.00 m.

Further information

3074 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference SPI-1556-56


This property is proposed by

Swiss Patrimoine Immobilier SA
Chemin du Vieux-Vésenaz, 31
1222 Vésenaz

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Contact Sergio Bossi

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