Swiss Patrimoine Immobilier SA

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Single house 6 rooms

CHF 1'750'000.-

1246 Corsier GE
110 m² • 2 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 6 rooms

6-room house to renovate

Discover this property for renovation with exceptional potential.

Built on a plot of more than 1200m2 entirely in an agricultural zone, this house benefits from a beautiful entrance onto a veranda, a lounge, a separate kitchen (which can be opened onto the lounge), a bathroom with WC.

Upstairs, a hallway leads to two large bedrooms and a bathroom.

There is an outbuilding on the plot that could be converted into a home.

There is also a garage and a cellar.

This property is located on the edge of a busy road, causing considerable noise pollution.

Further information

1250 m² (surface areas)
188 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1850
Renovated in 2000
Available on request
Reference SPI-1726-15


Has wheelchair access
Pets allowed


This property is proposed by

Swiss Patrimoine Immobilier SA
Chemin du Vieux-Vésenaz, 31
1222 Vésenaz

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