Stünkel immobilier SA

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Residential building 12 rooms

CHF 1'480'000.-

1264 St-Cergue
320 m² • 12 rooms

Large house with great potential in the centre of the village

This large property offers an exceptional investment opportunity or principal residence with rental income potential. Ideally located in the heart of the village, close to local amenities such as schools, shops and the train station just a few meters away, its location is practical and attractive whilst being close to nature.

The house currently consists of 4 separate apartments (2 x 2.5 rooms and 2 x 3.5 rooms) to be renovated. Its generous surface area both inside and outside offers a lot of potential for a transformation to current standards. Some restrictions are present since the property is classified with an architectural census score of 4 according to the canton of Vaud. Due to its configuration, it offers excellent rental investment potential. The apartments can be rented individually, thus offering a stable and diversified income stream.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire a versatile and profitable property.

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2 levels
2148 m³
1533 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1930
Available on request
Reference GmaisonStCergue
Further information


This property is proposed by

Stünkel immobilier SA
Route de Nyon 8 – Le Cerf
1264 St-Cergue

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