Savinter SA

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Single house 5 rooms

CHF 1'200'000.-

1228 Plan-les-Ouates
122 m² • 3 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 5 rooms

Plan-les-Ouates, House in a villa area - Occupied life annuity

The property concerned is for sale as an occupied VIAGER - the seller remains occupant of the premises until the end of his or her life. Viager is a real estate investment: tax optimization, capital gains, return on investment, inheritance...

This late 1960s house has retained its authenticity, and is distributed as follows:
- 33 m2 garage
- Carnotzet 22 m2
- 17 m2 workshop
- Laundry room
- Boiler room
First floor
- Hall
- Living room - Dining room
- Kitchen
- Visitor WC
- A bathroom
- 3 bedrooms

Occupied life annuity : F. 84 years old
Market value : CHF 2'100'000
Bouquet (initial payment payment) : CHF 1'200'000
Monthly payement : CHF 5'000 (to be payed to the seller)

Further information

860 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1969
Renovated in 2016
Available on request
Reference 5225824




This property is proposed by

Savinter SA
Boulevard Georges-Favon 3
1204 Genève

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