Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting

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Building land

3954 Leukerbad

Building land in the Gribelier area, outside the village center of Leukerbad

The building land in the place called “Gribelier” is located outside the village center of Leukerbad in a prime, sunny location. The residential area is good. The thermal baths, sports arena and the mountain railways can be easily reached on foot within 10 minutes. Bus stop, restaurants nearby. The plot is located in residential zone W4, utilization number 1.2. Area 930m2.

Further information

Available on request
Reference Bauland Gribelier


Public transport
100m - 2 min
400m - 8 min
Nursery school
400m - 8 min
Primary schools
400m - 8 min
Secondary schools
400m - 8 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting
    Obere Maressenstrasse 57
    3954 Leukerbad

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    Contact Bernadette Sarbach

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