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Chalet 3 rooms

CHF 397'000.-

1984 Les Haudères
80 m² • 1 bedroom • 1 bathroom • 3 rooms

Atypical - "Mayen" Chalet - completely renovated !

The mayen chalet is authentic and typical.
Built in 1910, it was completely renovated in 2023-2024.
The appearance and typology of the farm building have been maintained: cellar, stable, dwelling, barn and “tsijiore”.

While the cellar, stable and “tsijiore” have been left in their original state, the living quarters and barn have been renovated, refurbished and fitted out in a warm and comfortable way.
Benefiting from a nearby source of drinking water, running water has been brought into the building, which also benefits from an electrical system powered by solar panels.
The kitchen and “peuyò” are heated by the soapstone stove, dating from 1915, and the wood-burning vegetable stove.
A gas-fired booster heater quickly warms up the barn.
Refreshed antique furniture has been reused and found its rightful place in this new space.


The chalet is located in an agricultural zone, in the middle of nature, with no neighbors.

A real return to nature, true values and simplicity!

Far from noise,
Away from noise pollution,
Far from light pollution!

The chalet is only accessible on foot.
About 20 minutes by car or 30 minutes from the post bus stop (Les Haudères post office).
This chalet is a unique opportunity to acquire a true haven of peace!

Sale to foreigners residing abroad is NOT authorized.

All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Further information

23000 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1910
Renovated in 2024
Available from now on
Reference 5170618




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    37, Route du Rawyl
    3963 Crans-Montana

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