Maillard Immobilier SA

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Single house 10 rooms

CHF 1'390'000.-

1041 Poliez-Pittet
280 m² • 10 rooms

2 dwellings with potential for expansion


This village house with character is currently composed of 2 dwellings. It is a 5.5 room apartment of approximately 150 m2 and a 4.5 room apartment of approximately 130 m2.

There is potential for additional accommodation in the attic.

This farmhouse, originally built in 1760, has undergone several renovations and developments since then.

The 4.5 room apartment was built in 1977 and has not benefited from any work since. It needs to be completely renovated.
The 5.5 room apartment was completely renovated in 1998 and has benefited from work since then. It is in very good condition.

Poliez-Pittet has a primary school (1P to 8P) in its village.
All shops and infrastructure are located in the surrounding villages.

Bottens with its grocery store/bakery and access to TL line no. 60 is 2 minutes away.

Echallens (LEB line) is 5 minutes away.

The Lausanne-Blécherette motorway accesses are 15 minutes away and the centre of Lausanne is 25 minutes away.

Contact: Thomas Bise

Further information

2034 m³
919 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1760
Renovated in 2013
Available on request
Reference 1621152




This property is proposed by

Maillard Immobilier SA
Av. de Rhodanie 46b
1007 Lausanne

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