Galland & Cie SA

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Residential building

1020 Renens VD
2422 m²

1020 Renens VD, Réf 5222026

Building with 56 apartments, from studios to 4.5 rooms, 31 indoor and 19 outdoor spaces

Net annual rental income: CHF 872'904.--
Gross annual rental income : CHF 944'544.--

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Group visits will be organized. You will be given details of how these will be carried out and how offers will be received.

Please send us an e-mail to express your interest, and we'll get back to you

Further information

Built in 1968
Renovated in 2023
Available from now on
Reference 5222026


Children friendly


Public transport
175m - 4 min
110m - 3 min
Primary schools
180m - 4 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Galland & Cie SA
    Quartier du Rôtillon, Ruelle du Flon 1
    1003 Lausanne

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