Galland & Cie SA

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Residential building

CHF 3'500'000.-

1004 Lausanne

1004 Lausanne, Réf 4464919

City center, 2 adjoining rental buildings.
Rue du Maupas 29-31 - Lausanne

5 x studios
2 x 2 pieces
2 x 3 pieces
1 x store
1 x workshop
7 x outdoor parking spaces

Net rental status: CHF 133,259.40 as of 31.01.2025
Gross rental status: CHF 144,899.40 as of 31.01.2025
Years of construction: 1873 and 1875
Renovation and maintenance: regular

The buildings, with architecture from the end of the 19th century and maintained over the years, are located at rue du Maupas 29 and 31, in the urban center, near Place Chauderon, shopping streets and shopping centers.

Further information

360 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1875
Available on request
Reference 4464919




Public transport
100m - 2 min
100m - 2 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Galland & Cie SA
    Quartier du Rôtillon, Ruelle du Flon 1
    1003 Lausanne

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