Cardis SA

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Residential building

CHF 2'600'000.-

1958 St-Léonard
643 m²

Station buffets and rental properties!

Located next to the Saint-Léonard train station, this complex of 2 buildings with 678 m2 of weighted floor area comprises the emblematic station buffet dating from 1915, as well as another building from the late 1980s to the east. Both buildings are located on the same plot and are strategically positioned opposite the station, in the heart of the village and a rapidly evolving neighborhood.

- Attractive yield
- In the heart of the village, next to the train station
- Historic building
- Quality construction
- South-facing
- Large volumes

The main building comprises 4 apartments as well as a restaurant with a 56 m2 carnotzet, a 51 m2 garage, cellars and attic space.
The second building consists of 2 apartments, one of which is a duplex.

Several parking spaces are reserved for use by the restaurant but are owned by SBB.

Further information

528 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1915
Renovated in 2003
Available on request
Reference 038853




915m - 19 min
Primary schools
677m - 14 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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    To visit

    Contact Mathieu Revaz

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