Cardis SA

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Single house 12 rooms

CHF 4'350'000.-

1807 Blonay
450 m² • 5 bedrooms • 10 bathrooms • 12 rooms

Splendid property out of sight, panoramic view of the lake

Located in a popular district of the village of Blonay, this property with an authentic charm enjoys an excellent location, overlooking the Hauts de la Riviera.
- Plot of almost 2'800 m²
- Superb view of the lake
- Beautifully wooded garden and heated pool
- Garage box and a multitude of outdoor parking spaces

Further information

2739 m³
2756 m² (surface areas)
650 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1969
Available on request
Reference 5305569_10603


Swimming pool


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Rue du Théâtre 7bis
    1820 Montreux

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    To visit

    Contact Kevin Rogato

    Pour les visites, merci de prendre contact avec notre agence Cardis SA à Montreux

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