Cardis SA

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Single house 20 rooms

1254 Jussy
1200 m² • 8 bedrooms • 8 bathrooms • 20 rooms

Coup de Coeur - Completely renovated

This property perfectly combines the charm of the past, with modernity and refinement thanks to its noble materials.
With 20 rooms, 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, there's no shortage of space.

Set in a magnificent flat plot of over 3,000m2 with trees, you'll enjoy a lovely, unobstructed view of the countryside.
A large cathedral room, with magnificent exposed beams, will give you a unique space.

Further information

3100 m² (surface areas)
Renovated in 2024
Available on request
Reference 040759


New building


Primary schools
729m - 15 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue Mon-Repos 22
    1005 Lausanne

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